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Last Onlne:

1 day ago


Girls Alone

Eye color:
Green eyes
Hair color:
Black Hair
5 ft 5 in / 165-167 cm
110 lbs / 49 kg
Personnal Message:
Hello there, I am Irys and Im here to fulfill your fantasies!! You can describe me in this words: passion , desire, pleasure, obsession, angelic face, elegant gestures , delicate touches , a perfect body but, guys, my mind is a huge and dirty place full of erotic and naughty thoughts. I have the patience to descover and practice with you, alot of things that will make you all desire for more pleasure! It's never enough! I want more! I love to see how you enjoy my body and I cant wait to shoot that hot load for me. We can have this, we can reach the peak point of pleasure , I can travel in your mind and I can make you want me so badly! And my sensuality ... my sex addiction.. will make you loose control on your body, because your body will be mine ! The decision is in your hands. With love,Irys
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Online activity for last 7 days for cam model SeductiveIrys from Cams
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Online activity for last 180 days
Online activity for last 180 days for cam model SeductiveIrys from Cams
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